
Blah, Blah, Blah Blogpost

I thought about apologizing for the lack of blogness but I decided against it. I think I'll just let everyone think that I went on a month long vacation or that my computer broke or that I was simply having too much fun to blog (close but alas, no.) Truth is, I simply get overwhelmed with holidays. Not the actual holiday but the "reporting" of it via Blog. And then I got behind. So here is the quick update of all things March and then I'm back in the mix....

Easter - egg hunt, Lunch at Grandma Pat's, Easter Bunny, matching shirts and the traditional yummy dinner.

It takes 2.3 seconds to go from the above smile to the complete and total meltdown pictures below. At least we caught in on film, right? A day in the life of a 2 1/2 year old.

My 3 Sons (isn't that an old tv show???) looked so handsome in their matching striped shirts. I won't have this much control for long so I'm taking full advantage! I guess it is just one of the perks to having kids close together. (It might be the only perk...just kidding...sort of.)

My Sister and Her Fam Came to Visit! - Lots of swimming, Easter Pageant, Scrapbook Class, Enrichment Night, Shopping and best of all, talking it up with my sis.

Those Roman Soldiers may look cool but we don't want to get on their bad side.

Ethan loved the pageant and pretty much asked me questions about what was happening throughout the entire thing. I'm so glad he was there to see it. P.S. Doesn't the temple look beautiful? My Sister Val, John and their kids - they are such good girls. I hope they come back again soon. Drew was ready to go back with them.

Everyone loved the POOL!

Lauren floating around and soaking up some sun.

The POOL is D-U-N - Done!

There is a fence now and lots of the landscaping is done but you get the gist of it. We've been swimming nearly every day - seriously lucky :)
We're missing pictures but John and Kelley came to visit from So. Cal and we had a great weekend!
Our niece Carley was born to Dave and Brandy in Iowa! The first girl on that side - poor girl has 3 older boy cousins and 2 brothers!
Joel has been out 1 year now as of March 14th - only 11 months to go now :) We sure miss that guy!
Other Randomness - it's been a good month.