
Happy New Year!

2011 is going to be a good one. I think we're due for a GREAT one!

Looking forward to a few things...

Eric D will turn 37

I'll get to snuggle Baby #4 (a G-I-R-L!!!)

Drew will make his first trip to Disneyland and go to kindergarten

Celebrating an 11th anniversary :)

Ethan will turn 8 and be baptized

Ty will get to try out his independence in preschool

YEP - a good year is coming our way.


sometimes it feels good to be bad...

I shirked all responsbility this week and went to Disneyland - with my sister Val. Left the kids at home and it was a really spontaneous trip. I totally owe Eric D now but it was worth it. We had fun, we laughed and we wore bug glasses.

This weekend my sister Becky is in town and so I'll do a lot of abandoning of responsibilty but closer to home.

For now though...I must be responsible and go pick up Ethan from school.

Happy Friday!


the boys... and me

I often call them my entourage as they get toted around to meetings and on errands - usually walking a few feet behind me as I rush around - often carrying a toolbox full of trucks or a bag with coloring or (Drew's favorite) a "spy" notebook. They're usually good sports unless of course I beg them ahead of time to be on their best behavior and then they try to be as naughty as possible.

Here's the latest on my entourage:

Ty starts every sentence with "HEEELLLLOOO" - very 11-teen-year-old-ish.
His favorite response to anything I ask is "NO WAY MOM!" (Unless I ask Ethan or Drew to do something and then he's all over it)
He has incredible dancing skills. All my kids have rhythm but Ty takes it to a whole new level.
Sick and tired of his carseat - he begs to sit in a booster.
He'll still let me cuddle him when he is tired or lazy but wipes off every kiss I give him.
Drew just makes life so easy.
He loves to play with friends and would have someone over every day if I was up for it.
Eats like a bird but is always on the lookout for sugar, sweets and dessert.
Just learned to drop in on his skateboard and moved up to Rippers 1. Was so proud of himself that I almost cried.
Ethan gets funnier every day.
Quotes movies and gives nicknames to his friends.
Doing really well in school but has a hard time sitting still (ahem... Eric D)
Loves to read, learning to love piano and is a really good big brother - cheers them on and comforts them - at least when he isn't torturing them.

Really glad that I'm their mom.


something to look forward to...

We are recovering from the sort of weekend that you have to keep watching the clock.

Be there at 10 - next stop at 12:30.
Ready by 2 - cleaned up by 4:45.
Hot food at 5 - on to the next by 7.
...and over and over again.

Needless to say we made minimal efforts on our day of rest.

Today starts fall break and so we're cleaning and lining up a week o' fun. I'm craving me some fall colors so if I get my way (which I usually do) - we'll be heading north and I'll have to bring a sweatshirt for everyone. I'll probably convince Eric D to stop and get some hot chocolate and I'll try hard not to worry about muddy shoes or mountainy bugs. It'll be lovely.

Looking forward to this new week...


October - 75 degrees - PERFECT

It doesn't take all that much to make me happy. Really. All it took this week was 75 degrees, some rain and a house decorated for Halloween.

Been planning the annual HALLOWEEN PARTY - we always look forward to it.

Putting together the last minute details for a baby shower tomorrow. All it took was one creative idea and taaaa-daaaa - SUPER CUTE SHOWER with minimal effort.

REALLY enjoyed Conference last weekend. All the sessions I didn't fall asleep in. Plus Eric was home from a long (too long) trip so it made it extra fun to lounge around with him.

A few things I learned this year while being inspired to be a better me:

sacrifices are made out of pure love
victory tunnels are important
listen to a Prophet's voice
"Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel" is my favorite hymn
we cannot love what we do not know
work & leisure are great companions
milestones can become millstones
am I practicing selective obedience?
black out evil from our homes and lives
choose FAITH
the prophets will teach us when we are listening with our hearts
agency is a precious thing
marriage stands!
refuse to remain in the realm of negativity


Harvest Moon, Pumpkin Bread and an Ice Cream Truck

What do those three things have in common??? They've occupied my thoughts for the last 48 hours.

Tonight is the Harvest Moon - so I hear.

(wiki says: The harvest moon is the moon at or about the period of fullness that is nearest to the autumnal equinox. The harvest moon is often mistaken for the modern day hunter's moon.) Now you know.

I hope I catch a glimpse of it tonight.

Made pumpkin bread hoping it would make fall come faster in AZ. Unfortunately, while tasty, I think the oven mostly just heated up the house. Oh well.

Summer must not be over here because yesterday I spent 20 mins online searching for one of these for sale. Guess I was hoping that someone was giving one away. No such luck.


Alas... I slack.

It was bound to happen. This week has been a doozy. I think I've been gone every night. Not complaining, just sayin'

This could have been me the other night since I procrastinated something kinda important. Except I don't drink anything out of a mug, or wear an earpiece or gold jewelry. And I NEVER wear lipstick.


Home tonight and catching up. I wiped three days of milk, syrup and cheese off of my counters. I should prob mop but the only mop solution I have right now is Pine Sol and I'm not sure I want my whole house to smell pine fresh for the next three days. It can be kind of nauseating.

My laundry really wants to be folded. If I wait too much longer it will prob want to be rewashed and I'm not really up for that. I already found a load in the dryer that was wet. I'm thinking I forgot to turn it on but I'm really not sure how long it has been there. My car could use a good cleaning out since Ty threw one of those drinkable yogurts at Drew yesterday. I'm going to have to do it myself since the local carwash is really good at avoiding anything that resembles dirt.

Tomorrow I want to buy a big curling iron. The kind that will give me fat curls like Jennifer Aniston in the movie Switch that I just saw tonight. All by myself. Haven't done that since Boston. Only that time I cried in the movie theatre, by myself, because I was so lonely. This time I really enjoyed it. What a difference a decade (+1) makes.

Her hair was a bit cuter in the movie but let's face it - after one day in AZ this is what my fat-curling-ironed-hair will prob look like only a little shorter and prob greasier.

Till next time... with a funny story to share about Ty.


do more & be more

I've got resolutions that are unfinished from two years ago. 2009 was going to be a really good year. I accomplished a lot but fell short of the goal. It's typical. What can I say, I dream big.

2010 has been a bit of a whirlwind. I can't believe it is September 11th - I can remember that day - just like everyone else. What I ate for breakfast, how I found out about the attack on America, and not a single plane in the sky for days. But for the life of me, I can't remember much of anything about 2010. It's been a bit of a blur.

Is it really September? What happened to the last 8 months?

Miss ya Mom. She'd tell me to "get over it" and to stop wasting so much energy on worrying about myself. She'd tell me to get busy serving others and everything else would fall into place.

So I'm gonna do more & be more. Starting today.

(P.S. Ethan took this picture in April 2008 - Mom came to visit for my birthday)



...is lacking here.

I have less of a desire to clean up, pick up, make dinner, organize or be productive in any way, shape or form.

I call it a slump (a.k.a. a hiccup, speedbump, slacker day or L.A.Z.Y.)

And of course we all have them. Mine is just very obvious since it is spilled out on every floor, counter and corner in my house.

I went to the gym today ... first time in a month or so. I thought that getting my blood pumping would help. But now I just hurt and I think lounging sounds more my speed.

Spent a couple of minutes looking at some old pictures the other day. Reminds me of my favorite parenting advice EVER.


Now that's some motivation.


make yourself happy


the tuesday that feels like a monday

I'm a little thrown off by Monday holidays. I think all holidays should fall on Fridays because everyone looks forward to a weekend but you have to change your whole mindset to get excited about a Monday.

Another little thing about September...

I keep hearing that Fall is coming but in Arizona - we've still got about two more months of summer. When Nordstrom sells boots during its anniversary sale I actually find myself depressed knowing that if I buy boots, they are more than likely out of style by the time it makes any sense to wear them here.

So for those who keep writing or alluding to the fact that fall is surrounding us and pumpkin lattes taste good right now. Please know that I hear you but I won't be listening until mid-November.


if i have my way...

Sometimes I get a bee in my bonnet. Sometimes those bees take up my time. Other times those bees take my money. Usually they take both.

I'm feeling the need for wallpaper.

Which leads to new flooring and baseboards and paint and ... well you can see where I might end up and who has the time and money for that.

Sometimes doing nothing is the best therapy.


Here today...Gone to Maui

Awesome vacation - lots to brag about.
Missed the kids enough to get on the plane and actually come home.

When in Maui...

Ride a zipline

Get a massage

Lay by the pool

Order the Mahi Mahi

Drive the road to Hana



Try Aloha Mixed Plate - yummy!

Go to Big Beach - best sand ever

Sit in the hot tub

See a rainbow

Drink a Lava Flow

Stop at a roadside stand and buy pineapple

Hike to one of two blowholes in the world

Jump off a waterfall

Eat banana macadamia nut pancakes with coconut syrup... a lot.

For optimum vacation fun - bring great friends and live it up!


Words to Live By

It's kind of fun to do the
-Walt Disney-


Candy Shops & Bakeries

Gilbert is in desperate need of candy shops and bakeries - a Nordstrom and Crate & Barrel wouldn't hurt either... baby steps people.

And being the sugar loving, tasty treating, lover of all things deliciousness that I am (I inherited the gene - it's really not my fault) I sometimes dream about sweet stuff.

Which leads me to this place...because I don't even know if I could have dreamt up something this amazing.

Can you believe it?

Visit Sweets Indeed and enter into a visual sugar coma.












What's not to love about Tuesdays?

Particularly when this place has a

delicious martes lunch special that calls my name

And 200 of my closest friends at exactly the same time = long line but worth it


Upgrade - Redo - Start Over

been upgrading my blog, my hair-do and my laundry routine...

more changes coming soon to my real life.

In the meantime - read the article YOU HAVE SUPERPOWERS for a little inspiration.

Everyone needs a few of those.


I should be _________

Ever have one of those nights when you should be ______________ but instead you are _________ ? Let me give you a "for instance"...

Tonight I should be folding laundry but instead I'm blogging.

Today I should have been cleaning up my kitchen but instead I was swimming.

This morning I should have been working out but instead I was dreaming about Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes.

Tomorrow I should get my oil changed and my car washed but I think instead I will read a book.

I JUST LOVE SUMMER!!! It gives me a license to put off the necessary and to make time for slacking. I've got that "I can just do it tomorrow" attitude. And it feels GREAT!


I think he's cute

Don't you?

He's also a TON of work. I could follow this one around all day and make cleaning up after him a full time job. (He's banging on a metal bucket RIGHT NOW - a metal bucket that is very loud that I've hid from him a half a dozen times.)


He's also a TON of fun and has this fantastic personality and I'm loving getting to know this little boy. He is in full-swing of becoming himself - and I really like him.

And yes those are his real eyelashes - it's one of the real inequalities in life that a boy would get such fabulous lashes.


I've Been Away

I've been gone a while - seems like forever. Trying to make this week normal - the "NEW" normal.

Anytime someone asked how we were doing last week, Eric would answer "We're digging out." It has actually felt like physical work to make ourselves get back into the swing of things. Plus, I don't think I realized how physically exhausted I was from all that we've tried to accomplish over the last several weeks and months.

My to do list is long...but I need to do the IMPORTANT things first. The "URGENT" things can wait. My mom seemed to understand that better than most.
P.S. I've really missed spending time with my sisters this week - I kinda got used to being with them. I liked sharing clothes and hair products and makeup again. Miss you Beck & Val!


VALENTINES - Coming soon!

Will you be my V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E?
If you do you'll surely know how happy I will be.

Sugar Spice and all that's nice
That's what you are to me

Will you be my V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E?