
Seven Days

Christmas has been pretty crazy around here. I thought that I was super prepared. But as we tore another link off the chain tonight - I counted just SEVEN days until Christmas. WHAT???!!! That means that December is nearly over and I have been so busy getting Christmas ready that I forgot to worship Christ. That sounds a little sacreligious and I certainly don't mean to be but I'm pretty sure that lots of you feel the same way I do. Every girl/lady/hot mama that I have talked to over the last few days has said that exact same thing: "My house looks like a bomb went off and I have so much to do!" or something along those lines. While I'm so glad to know that I'm not alone in my quest for perfect holiday house, treat plates and Christmas cards - we've got to do something about the chaos. And so I share this link with you - one I stole from my friend Angie (who is super good at putting things into perspective) - and I beg you to read it. Take ten minutes out of the next seven days to put Christ back in Christmas. I feel better already.