

Feelin' sorta lucky these days. I have healthy, happy kids - three of 'em - with big blue eyes and silly-ness that is just part of them. We laugh everyday with these guys. And I can say this now as they are tucked quietly into their beds snoring away...they are pretty dang cute (says their mother.)

I have a husband who still thinks I'm cute and laughs at/with me even when I probably deserve a time-out (the ultimate punishment/reward depending on the offender).

We have a house and a job and lots of opportunities to serve and be served. And while I'm feeling a little crazy because of this....
I'm feeling extra blessed because I know that win or lose, it's what I'm supposed to be doing. So mark your calendars all you Gilbert people - March 10th is THE VOTE. To the inevitable question, why in the hec are you doing this? My pat answer is because I have lots of spare time. The real answer is because I simply don't think that we can the leave the values and morals of our communities in the hands of other people. For the long and lengthly version of this answer, just call me.