
And Today....Seriously - My Bro is the Coolest!

Hey fam and friends!
Pretty weak on the emails this week. I cant beleive you all already forgot about me. haha just joking. I know you did not forget about me. Anyway. Bex wrote me and told me she is having a girl. I have some name ideas from here in the Philippines. haha To be honest the names in the philippines are hilarious. Most girls have their first babies when they are like 15 or 16 years old and they name the babies after famous american people. It is absolutely riduculous. like I met a little boy. His name was Kurt Cobain. I was like...... YOu have got to be absolutely kidding me. Ha funny that here in the Philippines I have met Kurt Cobain, Brad Pitt, Pamela Anderson. too bad they are all two and three year old kids. It is so funny. I was like... WOW!!! these poor little kids. Whats funny is that I actually found these three kids in one day. When we did a service project and helped give free shots for Polio we went door to door and gave shots to all the kids and we had to write down there names. Even if their parents were not there we gave them shots. Could you imagine a group of people coming to your house, knocking on your door to find that there are no parents there and then giving your kids a shot. haha Thats just how they do it here. The kids need it and its free. The church sponsers it. Its the only way these kids get vaccinated. anyway about the kids. Who knows how many fake movie stars there are here in the Philippines. haha. I always laugh about it. Anyway. Guess what... I am getting transfered. I am officially out of the Jungle on Friday. I am actually going to a different island. Its called Bohol. It is supposed to be absolutely amazing. The most beautiful place ever. All the pictures you see of white sand beaches are actually taken in Bohol. and guess what else. I am going to be a zone Leader there. Which seems a little weird because I have not been a district leader yet. I am going straight to zone leader. I honestly dont feel like I am ready for that much responsibiltiy. I still feel new in the mission. I guess President thinks I need to step it up more. Maybe I am not doing enough. I just know I am going to have to rely on the Lord more than ever. I have heard a lot about the elder that is going to be my new companion. His name is Elder Domingo. He is supposed to be like the
nicest guy ever. I am really excited about that. There is an up side to being zone leader on Bohol. First is that I have a car. yep I said it. I have a car. Actually not a car. A big van. So that will be nice. The other thing is that I have a cell phone. Because you always have to be in contact with the mission president and the assistants to the president. I am going to have to ask again. I really need your prayers. This is a big responsibility. I really dont know that I am ready. I guess the Lord thinks I am. Well thanks so much for all the support. Oh by the way. I am actually not sure when I will be calling for Christmas. So weird I get to call and talk to you. I like completely forgot that I get to call. Hard to believe its christmas already. ok so stay near the phone. Either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I will try to call as many people as I can. sounds like you are all going to be in different places for Christmas. If I dont get a hold of someone sorry. I will say sorry now because I just dont know how calling works here in the mission. I do know that it is ridiculously expensive and that I dont have money to pay for it. Ok. I just found out from another elder that I will call you so that you have the number then you will call me back. That way you just pay for the phone bill. haha. its probably really expensive. sorry. hope its worth it. ;) alright thanks again fam. Love ya

Elder Joel Porter Ehorn