XOXO - Eric D
Up too late...
Not even close to being free entertainment...
This is General Grevious who apparently has four arms. We only have three lightsabers and so he had to figure out a way for laser beams to come out of his fingers. I'm guessing by his face that General Grevious is a bad guy. Totally "in-character."
Super Drew found the dress up bucket.
What exactly is he trying to get away with?
P.S. Never let your kid eat a Brazilian Nut on the way to Utah, in the middle of nowhere, without cell service unless you have a supersize bottle of Benadryl in your glovebox. Case in point:
Bring on the HEAT!
How to Build a Swimming Pool
Step 1: Paint big blob on dead grass.
Step 2: Let it rain for three days straight - then let your kids play in this pool so they appreciate the real one.
Step 3: Bring in the heavy equipment and do some cool tricks like pop-a-wheelies and stuff. (Entertains small boys ages 2-4 for HOURS!)
Step 4: Oooh and Aaaah over big hole in your yard while trying to imagine less dustier days ahead.
Step 5: Plumbing and rebar and electrical work - which can't be easy. The rebar guy was really nice and listened to our kids scream for over an hour while we gave them haircuts on the back porch. Really nice, patient guy.
Step 6: Everything else...which will have to be posted later since this is as far as we've come.
Three weeks till completion...make your reservations now for Spring and Summer 2008!
Christmas was great blah, blah, blah
Christmas Eve anticipation...who's excited?
Christmas Morning...waiting and waiting and waiting.... my job is to be the guard while Daddy gets the camera ready.
"Santa Rules!" - that's a direct quote by the way.
Yes that is one piece to a drum set. NO we did NOT buy it for our boys. Grandma Mimi did. Yes my ears are always ringing. Yes Ty has learned to sleep through drum practice.
Baby Ty is groWING (and drooling!) Happy first Christmas baby!
After Christmas we drove to UTAH to see Becky and Tim's new house, play in the snow and enjoy our old college town. We had soooo much fun despite the below freezing weather the ENTIRE time we were there!
Just before takeoff!
Breakfast with Charity & Tiffany and their families. So much fun! Thanks girls!