
Some things I miss...Some things I don't

Had our carpets cleaned last week - we've only had it done 2x in the 4+ years we've lived here {gross I know} - we like to wait until we really can't stand it anymore, until we're ready to tear out the carpet and get the memory foam carpet pad that we dream about {nevermind that we'd have to take out a second mortgage} and then we spend a small fraction of that pricetag and get them cleaned and everything seems right {and clean} again in the world.

We moved all the furniture, paid Ethan $2 to clean ALL the baseboards {money well spent I might add} and took apart all the cords for the tv/cable/dvd. It has been nearly a week and those cords are still left dangling. I haven't missed that tv/cable/dvd mess one single second {take that back, for one second when Ty was crying and I knew the Monster Truck DVD would do the trick, I did miss it} but our house has been eerily silent of something that brings big smiles and lost of stress relief - MUSIC!!!

Oh how I've missed my music - the songs the kids really dance to, the songs that make me feel like I'm making a *delicious-unmicrowaved-dinner* for my family, that songs that get my bootie going when I MUST, MUST, MUST clean up our messes and then the songs that I play when the kids are asleep and the house seems calm and then so do I.

So today, I'll be reconnecting the speakers but I think I'll just ignore the tv/cable/dvd mess and we'll go ride bikes in our FALL 96 degree weather instead. Sounds like a plan.